EQE Paper B courses

Paper B

This paper is part of the Main Exam and requires candidates to prepare a reply to an office action in which prior art has been cited.

DeltaPatents continues to provide Paper B training courses until the complete implementation of the new EQE in 2027, at which point the Papers A, B, C, and D will cease to exist. We are currently in the process of developing training courses for the papers M1 – M4 in the New EQE format. These courses will be made available one year prior to the introduction of the corresponding papers M to the EQE.

For a thorough understanding of the introduction to the New EQE, including its relationship with the current/old EQE format, please consult “Navigating the EQE format changes” overview prepared by epi. To access regulations and notices pertaining to the EQE, please visit the official website of EPO.

Paper B Methodology

The 2-day course aims to give candidates an insight into how to handle a paper B (answering a communication) of the European Qualifying Examination. By the end of the course the candidates will have learnt how to analyse the prior art, client’s letter, the application as filed and the communication to define novel, inventive and clear claims which provide the client with maximum protection. Candidates will be able to amend the claims, and to answer the communication. Where relevant, we will use WISEflow, giving candidates the opportunity to get familiar with the system used during the e-EQE.

Start date
2 Days
Online training
2 Days
Online training
2 Days
2 Days
Main Exam Paper AB – EIPEF

In this course candidates will learn how to sit Paper A and Paper B. For Paper A, candidates will have learnt how to analyse the clients letter and prior art and how to define novel, inventive and clear claims which provide the client with maximum protection in the context of paper A. Candidates will be able to identify important hints in the papers leading to the intended solution, and will be able to draft claims and an introductory description in a structured manner for paper A.
For Paper B, candidates will have learnt how to analyse the prior art, client’s letter, the application as filed and the communication to define novel, inventive and clear claims which provide the client with maximum protection. Candidates will be able to amend the claims, and to answer the communication.

Start date
9 Days
Mock Exam B

Practice a few weeks before the real exam in order to adjust your method, on papers as close as possible to the final exam. Get an evaluation on your level for each paper, thanks to a personalized marking of each paper, comments and advices from the tutor, in particular on the methodology used and the structure of your answer.
Based on the outcome, make final adjustments to your methodology before the exam.
Please note that we will use WISEflow for this course.

Start date
1 Day
Online training

Who is DeltaPatents?

We have more than 20 years of experience in EQE training. This provides a solid basis for our extensive range of IP courses. Our training courses focus on giving insight and understanding, and ensuring that the acquired knowledge can be practically applied.

At DeltaPatents we thoroughly train and guide our tutors. For our tutors, training is a more than a profession; it is mastered by teamwork. As our tutors spend most of their time preparing and giving courses, they are very experienced and knowledgeable. We take feedback of attendants seriously and act on it. For us, quality and customer satisfaction are essential.

Meet the tutors

Jessica Kroeze is a tutor for the Main Exam Paper A and B courses. She is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Physical-Organic Chemistry.



Meilof Veeningen

Meilof Veeningen is a tutor for the Main Exam Papers A and B. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Computer Science.



Nico CordesNico Cordes is a tutor for the Pre-Exam and Main Exam Paper A, B and C courses, also in German language. He is a European Patent Attorney in the field of Electrical Engineering.


Jelle HoekstraJelle Hoekstra is a tutor for the Pre-Exam, all Main Exam Papers and IP Administrators’ courses. He is a European Patent Attorney. Jelle is author of the book “Methodology for Paper C” and of the book “References to the European Patent Convention” (www.hoekstradoc.nl).


Grégory BaqueGrégory Baque is a tutor for the Foundation and all Main Exam Papers in French language, as well as mock exams for all papers in French and English. He is author of the book “CBE-PCT”.

Wish to pass the EQE?
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